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About CFD Brokers

The CFD Brokers’ Association of Nigeria “the Association” is an independent, non-governmental, non-political, non-profit making, and self-regulatory association established in …………, 2020 and dedicated specifically to CFD Brokerage industry in Nigeria.The Association is a self-regulatory organization working with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to self-regulate and promote the operations of CFD Brokers with various regulatory bodies locally and internationally within the Nigeria market space to ensure adherence and observance of industry global best practices relating to the operations of CFD Brokers’ in Nigeria.

Why become a member?

If you a brokerage service provider in Nigeria, then you must be a registered of CFD brokers and be regulated. 

General CoC

Ethical Conduct

Beyond compliance with the constitution, law and rules, the Association requires that employees of CFD brokerage Firms act in a manner consistent with the highest standard of ethical behaviour. This includes the obligation to avoid any actual or apparent conflicts of interests. The honesty and integrity of our business conduct must not be compromised.

Competition and Fair Dealings

Members can seek to outperform competition fairly and honestly. Competition advantages can be sought through superior performance and not through unethical or illegal business practices. No member should take unfair advantage of another member through manipulation, misrepresentation of material facts or any other intentional unfair – dealing practice.

Response to Report of Violations

The officials of the association will investigate any report of violation of this code of conduct. Members are required to cooperate with and support the association’s investigation of any suspected violations. If a violation is found to have occurred, the officials of the association will take appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including blacklisting from membership and any other corrective action.
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